Monday 6 July 2015

The App That Will Change Your Life/Bank Balance

There are two types of people in this world: the savers and the spenders. I am without a doubt the latter but very much trying to save as much money as I can. If you want a post full of my money-saving tips then let me know, but this particular post is going to be all about the app which has changed my life - Pennies.

Ironically, Pennies is the most expensive app I've ever bought, costing me £2.99. Although it's painful to part with that much money initially, the amount it's helped me save in the long run makes it worth it. I'm very much a debit card spender; I hand over the plastic card again and again, forgetting that with each hand-over my bank balance is, quite literally, paying for it. Having an app that helps me keep track of how much I'm spending really helps because my child-like mind sees it as a game.

So, how the app works: you can choose to set a one-off, bi-weekly, weekly or monthly budget, choose how much you have in that budget, and then the app splits the money up, allowing you to see how much you have available to spend each day. A quick swipe up the screen allows you to see how much you've got left of both your monthly and daily budget, making it totally user-friendly. My favourite part of the app is the colour system: green when you've been good, blue when you've spent just-a-little-bit-more-than-you-should on that Marks & Spencers lunch, and red when you've spend way more than you should. Like when I took that trip to Westfield and ended up £200 over budget. Oops.

It's very easy to not think about how much your spending, but when you've got something to help you keep track it's amazing how easy it is to think 'no, I don't need this new skirt'. Apparently I do have willpower, all it takes is a nifty piece of software to keep me on track. Who knew.

Have you discovered any apps that have totally changed your life?

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