Thursday 23 July 2015

Getting My Life In Order

I've had a bit of a life overhaul recently and I've realised that I really, really enjoy blogging. There's something cathartic about getting my thoughts out into words, even if it's thoughts on something materialistic, such as the latest nail varnish release. You will probably find a few deep/ranting/thoughtful posts appear on this blog as I get more into the swing of things.
I'm not entirely sure why I've put the pressure on myself, but you may have noticed that I've started posting almost daily on top of working 50 hours a week. I'm the sort of person who thrives under pressure, and if I'm not constantly challenging myself and setting deadlines I tend to stagnate, an unwashed mess curled up in a duvet rewatching Vampire Diaries episodes I've already seen 20 times. I need to put pressure on myself so I have a reason to get out of bed and this blog is the pressure in the best way possible.

However, in order to do this, I've had to get tidy. I'm a very very organised person, some (everyone) may say control freak, but that is not to be confused with tidy; my life is an organised chaos. So, a couple of weeks ago I headed to Ikea and picked myself up some much needed storage. Gone are the overflowing Muji drawers, hello Alex drawers. Ah organisation, I love you. 

Next up came the notebooks. I popped into Waterstones and picked myself up a diary. You know when you buy something and then wonder how on earth you ever lived beforehand? Everything I plan, everything I do, goes into this diary, from blog posts to videos to plans with friends. I like to plan what blog posts I'm putting up a couple of weeks ahead so I can write them up on my lazy Sunday then schedule them to go up at 1pm Monday-Friday. I also picked up a notebook with page separators so I can write list after list of blog post ideas, what I need for my next video, presents I need to buy, etc etc etc. My life is controlled by lists.

I make sure I sit at my desk whenever I'm 'working' so my brain can distinguish between when I need to get on with work and when I can spend 2 hours straight reblogging photos of Cara Delevingne. This way I actually feel like I'm doing something with my life rather than waste it away, this is my way of 'seizing' the day without actually leaving my room know, baby steps.


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