Today I'm introducing a new type of post on the blog which is probably more for my own benefit and enjoyment than anyone else's, but I hope you enjoy nonetheless.
I've recently been stuck in a bit of a rut, very very unhappy, anxiety through the roof and generally hating my life, but this week I've been able to take a step back, take a look and realise that although I may not be exactly where I want to be, it doesn't mean I can't appreciate the little things that make me happy. The overall picture may not be great but I'm still lucky enough to have two well-paid jobs, plenty of disposable income, amazing friends, a loving family, and an ability to find things that make me smile. Therefore, I'm now going to make a conscious effort to snap a photo of everything that makes me happy during the week and I'm going to do a round-up post every Sunday. Sound good? Good. I hope you enjoy these posts as much as I know I'm going to.

I really hate clubbing, I hate being surrounded by loads of people, I hate being sweaty and as a general rule, I hate most songs they play in clubs (where's the Idina Menzel at?!). But this Friday it was one of my best friend's 19th birthday so I braved going clubbing and a bottle of rosé and a few vodka and lemonades later, I was on the dance floor having an incredible night!
A new coffee shop opened up in town and I've been popping there on my lunch breaks. I may have been drawn in by the fact it's called the Manhattan Coffee Club, but they do the nicest salads and it has a lovely atmosphere.
The Kiko store is like crack to me, they constantly have new releases coming out so I popped in to swatch their new Cream Crush Lasting Colour Eyeshadows and fell in love with some of the shades. The middle dusty pink shade gives me all sorts of heart-eye emojis and can you see the glitter payoff in that top swatch?!? I'm trying to watch my money so I didn't buy them at the time but I haven't been able to stop thinking about them since so Kiko, I'm coming back to you.
I had a flat pack furniture adventure last week that has resulted in me having a shiny new set of the cult Alex drawers. I have yet to find some dividers (can anyone help?!), but just having a new way to neatly store my out-of-control makeup collection is giving me all the feels.
I've suffered from severe anxiety my entire life and reading has always been my escape from whatever's circling around my head, so when work gets a bit stressful I always go and escape to Waterstones on my lunch break. There's something so calming about having a browse through the books.
Once a month, me and my best friend go on a steak date to Miller & Carter to have a massive catch-up and offload whatever's been on our minds. This week's date was so needed and as a huge steak connesuir, I can say you won't find anywhere better for steak in the UK. The USA however, a totally different kettle of steak...